Extreme Gaming with VR

August 4 from 1:30-4:30. For ages 8-18.

A child with VR headsets on and cartoon mushrooms in the corner to accompany the news item.

August 4, 1:30-4:30
Ages 8-18
Registration Required

One Up Games will be visiting the Athol Public Library with a variety of next-gen consoles and gaming monitors! They will bring all the popular games along with a mixture of classic and retro games. The open gameplay format will allow participants the freedom to move to any system and play whatever game they like, including virtual reality games!

Systems include:
Nintendo Switch
XBox Series S
PlayStation 4
Oculus Quest 2

Extreme Gaming with Virtual Reality | Athol Public Library (librarycalendar.com)

Posted: to Athol Library News on Wed, Jul 26, 2023
Updated: Wed, Jul 26, 2023